The Reserve Bank of India makes available a new Indian currency identification app

On January 1, 2020 the Reserve Bank of India issued a press release in which they announced the launch of their currency identification app. The app is called MANI, Mobile Aided Note Identifier. It is available on iOS and Android operating systems. Below you can read my review of the app, and at the end …

Accessible currency in 2019

It seems that we have heard more about accessible currency this year than in any year before. If we read the news carefully, there is announcement almost every month somewhere about making currency more accessible, or maintaining the commitment. I will give a brief overview of what happened this year. As I explained in an …

Finding news about accessible currency

It takes dedication and creativity to find out about the accessibility features of newly released currency. This information is not popular enough to have its own category, or even its own headline. I thought I would share my challenges about finding out what the press releases and news bites really mean.